Sabado, Pebrero 11, 2012

Hamster Housing for Syrian Hamsters

Hamsters should be housed depending on their size:syrian hamsters should be housed in no less than 124 sq. in cages. (so pwede na nga yung 12x10 sa syrian, and 10L (95 sq in) bins for a pair of campbells. hehehe)

The best housing material for hamsters should be see-through. however a bare cage does not offer hamsters any shelters. This can be overcome by providing hidey holes and a shed and putting black tint on some parts of the bin/aqua walls.

Flooring: solid, w/ beddings are preferred over wire-mesh.

Cleaning the bedding: completely cleaning the hamster cage of bedding stresses the hamster. spot-cleaning is actually really preferred, as the hamster should be able to smell something familiar.

Nesting material should be readily provided for pregnant hamsters.

At night, hamsters tend to explore their surroundings. because of this, tubes are useful for hamsters as they help resolve aggressive behavior such as growling, hissing, destroying the water bottle. soft pieces of wood should be provided so that the hamster will not have overgrown teeth, and satisfy their need for gnawing.

Summarized by: MasterHamster

1 komento:

  1. Hamsters should be housed depending on their size:syrian hamsters should be housed in no less than 124 sq. in cages. (so pwede na nga ...
